KICKSTART week 2, junior regos and other key dates

12 Feb by PJFC President (Rob Spurr)

Hi everyone

It was great to see players and coaches out in force for round 1 of KICKSTART last Sunday under the guidance of current Essendon midfield coach Brent Stanton.

Brent will run our KICKSTART program for the next 2 Sundays at John Cain (under 11s and above) until regular team training commences at Pitcher Park in March. Bring a friend and see Sarah for some Devils merch on the day. Speaking of merch, you can order online here

This Sunday, Jo DiCiero will also have a registration desk open at Pitcher Park 9.30-10.30 for our U8-U10s. Any NEW signings will receive a complimentary Devils welcome pack consisting of bootbag, waterbottle and stickers,

Registrations for all ages will remain open for a short time longer so please sign up HERE.

Key dates

KICKSTART: 16/23 Feb

U8 rego morning: 16 Feb

Mouthguard Man and Boot swap: 6 Mar 5.30-7.30

Under 8-10 kick off clinic: TBC

Practice matches: 23/30 March TBC

Round 1: April 6 Season Launch night: (R2) April 27

Rob Spurr

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