KICKSTART week 3, sponsorship announcement and more...

21 Feb by PJFC President (Rob Spurr)

Hi everyone

Only 6 weeks until R1 and our teams are starting to take shape.

The final KICKSTART session with Bombers midfield coach Brent Stanton will be this Sunday at John Cain with teams then gathering for regular pre-season team training from March. Feel free to bring a friend down this Sunday 8.45 (under 11s to U14s) and 9.45 (over 15s and above).

We will have a registration desk open at Pitcher Park 9.30-10.30 for our U8-U10s. Any NEW signings will receive a complimentary Devils welcome pack consisting of bootbag, waterbottle,shorts and stickers,

Registrations for all ages will remain open for a short time longer so please sign up HERE.

You can order merch online here

Your amazing Social Committee is planning another huge Season Launch PSE night on April 27. Please contact Mandy for raffle and door prize contributions.

Thanks to our friends at Bendigo Bank East Ivanhoe for committing to Parkside JFC for another 12 months. The Bank has been an amazing long-term sponsor for our club.

Key dates

U8 rego morning: 23 Feb
Mouthguard Man and Boot swap: 6 Mar 5.30-7.30
Under 8-10 kick off clinic: TBC
Practice matches: 23/30 March Round 1:
April 6 Season Launch night: (R2) April 27

Rob Spurr

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