Fri, 29 Nov 2019
from 9:15am to 10:15am
by Rob Spurr
Posted: over 5 years ago
Updated: over 5 years ago
by PJFC Vice-President (Nik Devidas)
Visible to:
Time zone: Melbourne
Reminder: None
(duration is about 1 hour)
If your child attended the Alphington Auskick Centre & is interested in playing Junior football in 2020 with Parkside Junior Football Club in the Girls Under 10 team or the Boys Under 8 team, please register your Expression of Interest.
Boys must be born between 01/01/2012 to 30/04/20013
Girls must be born between 01/01/2010 to 30/04 2013
There may be some places available within the existing teams for older children, please complete the steps to have your details recorded for further information to be sent to you.
Thank You
This is an expression of interest only. The date specified is the closure of the EOI process. You will be sent further information later this year about the registration process.